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PLM - Connect with us

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday mornings
10:00 am - Intercessory Prayer

10:30 am - Worship, Word, and Praise

We provide Children's Church during the message

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join us Wednesday evenings
7:00 pm for Bible Study

In-Person and via Zoom

Corporate Prayer Time

Join us for one-hour prayer:

Monday through Friday via Zoom at 6:00 am

Saturday in-person at 11:30 am

Girl Talk

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm

Women Girl Talk is a no judgment zone for ladies 18 and up to express what's on their hearts, and to share their testimonies of God's love, restoration, healing, and deliverance. Our desire is that every woman would allow GOD to restore the little girl within to be the woman of God she is purposed to be.


Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm

PLM Brotherhood is all about men coming together to encourage each other along our Christian journey. We want to challenge men to rise up and be the Kingdom men in their homes, and to engage in service to others while living an authentic Christ-centered life.

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